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Are Open Offices a COVID Relic?

Bringing her experience and vision to the unique challenges currently facing the real estate market, Amy Bradac recently weighed in for the Q&A piece “Are Open Offices a COVID Relic?” To read the full article, please click here.

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Amy Bradac Featured on ‘Real Perspectives Podcast’ Discussing What’s Next for Workplaces

Listen to the podcast: Bradac Co founder, Amy Bradac, recently joined Vladimir Bosanac, of the Bay Area Real Estate news site The Registry, to reflect on the future of workplaces and the state of the construction industry in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen in for her insights on what may come next and how companies

open office plan break room

When is the Right Time to Engage a Project Manager for Your Construction Project?

Whether new construction or a “simple” remodel, projects of any scale can easily become more complex than initially thought. For owners who don’t spend their days managing design and construction projects, this is often a byproduct of “not knowing what you don’t know.” A good project manager (PM) provides value well before the actual physical